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Orders shipped to your end customer are priced per order.
Please contact our sales team to get the most up-to-date pricing at sales@cenports.com
Yes. Our fees depend on the work required and are determined on a company-by-company, product-by-product basis. Simple quality checks keep fees low, but electronic inspections and other measures will cost more.
Yes. You are at no risk when you store your products with us.
We do not store flammable materials or perishable items.
Our fulfillment includes shipping, packaging materials, and shipping labels. We charge by weight (details provided in our pricing guide). If you prefer that we use your shipping account, we will, but we generally have more competitive pricing because of our volume discounts.
Yes, we provide products for drop-shipping for your online stores. Our top categories are furniture, home goods, and pet products, and we are always adding products and categories. Please inquire about a catalog and wholesale pricing.